
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 12:48:52

“Heroes” is a new TV series produced by Tim Kring who combined the producer with the screenwriter. It mainly tells us a group of young people life when they found their special abilities.

  When the earth is under the shadow of the eclipse, the Indian genetics professor wants to find his lost father but he finds an astonishing secret: There are some people who have special abilities in our life. A young dreamer makes his brother believe that he can fly. The cheer leader of a senior school finds that she has an undying body.

  The stripteaser tries her best to make money in order to bring up her little son. However , she found a secret from her reflection in the mirror. A prisoner takes the advantage of his special ability to break the prison twice. A young talent artist has ruined his life and love since he picks up drugs. But he can draw the future... A L.A policeman who can detect others’ mind is down on his luck. He was regarded as a killer of the series mur